By HPLC and GC, various mixtures of oragnic and inorganic componds are separated anlytically. Thorough description of all special methods is outside the scope of this presentation.

The most frequent applications is shown in the following table:

Application Black line: Original data
Grey solid: Superresolution
Green line: Kernel
Detector correction

Slow detectors and cuvettes with large volume smear the data output..

The example shows the effect of correctiong an exponetially relaxing dector's output.

In other words: The detector's input data are correctly recovered from the smeared output data.


Digital superresolution can change sholders into baseline separated needles.

Especially tiny signals close to stron neighbours are worked out sharp and quantitatively correct.

Besides better readability for the analyst's eye, superresolution is an alarming system against peak impurities.

Optimizing spectral snapshots

Iterativ decomposition of the data into analytical peaks hints to those positions, where in overlapped compounds sits of maximum purity is found.

The central peak at right obviously will dispaly the best spectum at t=70.1.

Moreover, quantitative treatment of the fitted overlap allows calculation of pure spectra from poverlapped ones.

Reducing sampling intervals,
High throughput optimization
Please consult the page 'Reducing sampling times in chromatography''

Superresolution requires robust baseline correction.
PROANALYSI::PEAKS, you find baseline-routines optimized especially for HPLC/GC.
The complete sequence of data analysis can be automatted and perfomed by simply pressing a button.